Monday, April 4, 2011

Kayleigh the Animal Lover

This child of mine never ceases to amaze me. She is the most caring, kind-hearted kid I know (not that I know many). She is very sensitive to the needs of animals. Our betta, Indigo, is dying. We explained to her that fish don't live very long and she cried so hard for so long. Last night we started to watch Disney's Ocean movie and she knew what each fish and mammal was and did. She knew more than me! It was really amazing. Dave and I kept exchanging looks with smiles on our faces. When the shark made an apperance she got so mad at it. And it looked as if she was going to cry. Her love of creatures that swim makes eating fish at our house pretty interesting. At school, she got to play with snails. Separately, she told Dave and I about it. When she told us we each said, "Eww!" and she replied with: Mom/Dad! How dare you. They are not gross they are life!"

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