Tuesday, April 26, 2011

answering their questions...

I really don't understand Easter. I guess I should have been more thoughtful about it this year. I don't know what the norm is, but Mom (I) hid the eggs and the Easter Bunny didn't come to our house with presents. And we didn't buy special dresses or go to church.

After talking to her friends at school Kayleigh was upset that the Easter Bunny didn't come. I was totally caught off guard. I guess I should have known that once school starts the questions do too. I didn't know what to say... Do I tell her the truth? If I do will it ruin it for her friends? I mean, do we really tell kids that an Easter Bunny hids EGGS? and brings presents? And they believe it?

Zoe is going to preschool this fall. It's a Catholic preschool- we aren't Catholic. We aren't anything.

I guess it's time that I find a place that we can learn about religion/religions together. I need to be prepared for their questions!


Anonymous said...

Our kids have been taught that Jesus died for us, that's what Easter is about. But the Easter Bunny or as we call him EB drops off candy and baskets for the kids as well. I guess Easter is a double holiday. We never go to crazy with the Easter baskets, just plain and simple. The baskets were filled with 3 pieces of candy, a movie or t-shirt or an egg filled with $10, and a frisbee. EB 'dropped' jelly beans all over the house. Then we went to Sunrise Service and spent the rest of the day thanking Jesus for his sacrifice. Hope that helps!

My kids had Easter at both places..so I guess I get off easy..because EB isn't going to give them double presents just because they were at Jeremy's...so they didn't have much at all.

Sarah said...

See if you have a local Unitarian church... Joe and I... well, we aren't anything either. Spiritual, yes, but in an ethereal sense only.... in a "the natural wonders take our breath away" sort of spirituality.

Our Unitarian church offers lots of stories from many faiths and encourages lots of questions and curiousity. It was helpful for Maya especially once school began.

As for the bunny, I didn't answer any questions. She seems to sense that the whole thing is bogus. She kept declaring "the bunny must have bought this kite at the store.. Is it a guy in a costume?" Ha...

Good luck!