Tuesday, April 27, 2010

backyard fun

There has been so much excitment about this pool! There is only a few inches of water in it, but it's been hours of fun. I only wish it were a real one so I could join in on the fun. I could lounge around a pool for days on end. I think my girls would agree.So there is a story with this zucchini plant.... It wasn't supposed to be here, but it is and we are so excited about or blossom! I know I'm way more excited than the girls. I can't wait to pick our very first vegtable and have the girls help me make something with it in the kitchen. I told Kayleigh that we could even bake it in a chocolate cake. And when she didn't believe me so we had to call Katie and make sure it did!All clean :)


Jenny Pearson said...

that pool looks so inviting... sending my love from a cold, windy, and raininy California day!!!

Jenny Pearson said...

a product of Mississippi public school system here......rainy :)