Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Kindergarten. It's finally sinking in.

Truth be told on Kayleigh's first day of school I didn't cry because I was a ball of stress. I hadn't slept the night before, Dave was sick in bed, my mom stayed over and she woke up with a migrane, so basically there was a lot going on and I couldn't fully embrace what was going on.

Today I am fully aware of that my little girl is so grown-up. For the first week and a half of school Zoe and I would walk her to her class. Now, we pull up to the drop-off lane and she walks down the side walk, across the parking lot, and to the playground to wait for the doors to her class to open- ALL BY HERSELF! I watch her walk up the sidewalk as long as I can, but there is always a car in a rush behind me to drop their child off.

More times than I can count I look at the clock and wonder what she is doing at that moment. I hope that she's having fun and that the other kids are being nice to her. I hope she is being nice to the other kids too. We have the same talk every morning: Be nice. Compliment someone. Drink lots of water. We'll miss you. We love you. Have a great day. Can't wait for you to come home!

K also is setup with a lunch money account so she can buy a school lunch once a week. When I went to school everyone ate the same school lunch... It seemed like a much easier process for a Kindergartener.... Kay has 3 options for a main course, 3 options for a drink, and 2 options for a side. YIKES! She has so much to be responsible for. But I'm happy to say she says, "Don't worry mom, I eat the healthy stuff first." I believe her too. She is very aware of what is healthy and what isn't. However, she needs to work on finishing her lunch instead of visiting ;o)

It's 10:13.. They are getting ready for recess. Recess will be held indoors today because it's HOT. The temp is to reach 112 today with high humidity, so it should feel like a mere 125 by the time Zoe and I wait outside to pick Kayleigh up :)

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Wow! It's so, so much different from Veblen, isn't it? :)

It's strange to send my kid to a school with a population twice as big as our town.

It looks like you are both taking the big milestone wonderfully in stride!